Sunday, November 10, 2013

Luahan Perasaan Pegawai Perubatan Separa Waras

Amboi siap gaduh di ruangan komen. Takmo gaduh-gaduh plis. Takpe next post i review instashop jual shawl.


kakzie said...

As salam
Hehehe a good advice utk makcik. Two thumbs up.

Miss Dazzling Marinero said...

Dr Hatim harap bersabar. Manusia yg tak reti kerja doktor memang mcm tuh. Dramatik tahap gaban kalah drama swasta. XD

suzialfredshin said...

Good advise..boleh bagitahu kawan-kawan I yang selalu complaint about government Hospital.

@AdamantiumFA said...

salam..sumpah sukaa this entry.. dalam keadaan huru hara complaint pasal BO PU pampers kipas lampu langsir drips segala mcm.. nt student nursing jgak yg berlari2 smpi xmakan =..=" btw good advice

rehanayat said...

Lama dah auntie x baca entry yg menghiburkn.. thanks! hahaha..

Unknown said...

Well said Hatim.. Aunty rindu dgn tulisan Hatim.. You are a good writer..

AdilaKaman said...

Jujur, post ini telah kubaca dengan emosi. I can feel the 'api'. Hihi.. Bawak bersabar ye doktorrrr..

Miss Brenito said...

Wahai Dr. Hatim.. Akk paham perasaan mu itu.. tuh tak masuk lagi family member yang sgt suka sibuk hal orang, siap singgah katil ke katil mengalahkan doktor untuk tanya masalah pesakit lain.. annoying sgt kan, sbb akk tiap2 kali pregnant akk akan berumah bertangga di hospital, so akk sangatlah faham situasi di atas..

-akk penunggu-

Miss Brenito said...

Wahai Dr. Hatim.. Akk paham perasaan mu itu.. tuh tak masuk lagi family member yang sgt suka sibuk hal orang, siap singgah katil ke katil mengalahkan doktor untuk tanya masalah pesakit lain.. annoying sgt kan, sbb akk tiap2 kali pregnant akk akan berumah bertangga di hospital, so akk sangatlah faham situasi di atas..

-akk penunggu-

Unknown said...

haha ;) boleh bayangkan .. sabar ye Doc Sempoi..

den.dyen said...

bila perkara diatas terjadi, mesti dalam hati penuh kata-kata sanskrit moden ;)

sweet life said...

sabar yer Dr Hatim..
senyum je... then cakap berhemah..
zikir rabbi yassir wala tu'assir bebanyak..

yang "scrutinize every single thing you do".. mungkin dorang pun wonder nak tgk procedure.. dorang pun nak belajar gak.. hehe


Aini Amir said...

aku xbaca dgn penuh sense of humor doktor hatim. aku bc dgn serius. nape tak letak nota kaki tu kat atas? supaya aku baca dgn keadaan yg gelak baring..

souled_oUt said...

Oohh ok.. now I know. Maybe orang2 yang buat perangai2 seperti dlm list tergolong dlm golongan mereka2 yang tak tahu.. (ataupun tahu tapi buat2 taktau?) Cakap memang senang, tapi kita bersangka baik jelah dengan mereka2 ni.. And setuju dengan komen kat atas, zikir selalu n doa segala urusan dipermudahkan olehNya.

Take care of yourself k..

Adilah Nur said...

All the best doc!

wan-nis said...


me, personally like to see how's doctor work.. look like wahhhhh kagum.. but i admit bila rasa annoying org perhati keja kita kan.. so keep it up young doctor

Anash said...

menjaga mak saudara satu malam di spital ..
melihat doktor buat kije...
menjenguk pesakit yang lain..
memantau 'drip' turun ke lengan mak saudara

buatkan akak rasa doktor nih satu pekerjaan yang mulia

manusia terlepas pandang
semoga bertabah eh dr hatim

n a j w a e said...

lol. I second that!

Unknown said...

Salam.. As someone who cn relate to u, trust me u'll get by.. Worry not about complains, no matter wat u say n do, a pt will complain n complain n complain some more.. Toughen up, dis job was meant for da strong, hey shit ends after 2 years, get ur credentials to become an mo, and if u decide to, run.. Or u cn always be an idiot like me and stay in gomen hosp, it tends to suck but sometimes very rewardin.. Trust me when i say out of dat 100 times a pt shouts, scream n curse u, 1 pt will come n thank u n dat my dear can change it all..

Hijaupermai said...

muahahaha...gelang guling-guling baca...well..what else can i say...2 thumbs up..tahap kesabaran doktor pun ade ups n downs nye..bile dah 10jam berdiri n berlari2 buat kerja+perut berkeroncong(last meal dinner mlm smlm tu pun kalau teringat nk dinner, biasanya cari bantal dulu)+super tired.. annoying pt or relatives are second things u want to to public dont tell doctor xberhati perut or xde empathy or sympathy...please put yourself in their shoes first....kan Dr.Hatim? =)

Myself said...

Ha.ha.ha. Betul3... Lebih2 lg bab ambk darah. Bkn setakat HO, as medical stud pun lagilah kena marah. Tahulah belum layak jadi doctor. Kteorg nk meringankan beban HO. Kalau satu wad, 1-2 HO jaa waktu mlm, n nk kne ambk darah pg tu, tak ker penat n lama masa yg diambil. Jadi, kami as student, nklah memudahkan HO, belajar & penuhkan requrement log book. Lgipun, mesti HO tu penat jgk, pnt nk melayan kerenah pt yg byk songeh ble nk ambk darah. Dahla esoknya nk kne ikut ward round.... kdg2 ble kne mrh dgn patient ble msuk bab ambk darah,rasa nk bls blik ap yg patient tu ckp. Tp, sbb msih adrse hormat pd org yg sedang sakit, simpan jelah n lgpun nk jge nme uni... mmg btullah nk puaskan hati setiap org mmg tersangat payah... =_="

Siti Mariam said...

You have just made my day!

Unknown said...

Hahaha...i like this post..really made my day today!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL awesomesauce!

Unknown said...

Haha...kalau ada 10 ibu jari dah aku bagi 10 thumbs up kat ko!

Unknown said...

tq doc hatim... sgt terhibur dgn kisah "menyahat hati" ni... :)

Filla said...

haha tuan doktor lah doktor paling kelaka saya pernah jumpa.. eh tak jumpa lagi.. kalau doktor nak amik darah, pastu kita cakap 'aaaaaaaa saya takut jarum, sakit tak? pelan-pelan ye doktor' pastu pejam mata pandang dinding.. doktor rasa sakit hati ke rasa patient tu comel? jawab doktor, jawab!

sumi said...

lawak lawak kira ko ni jenis apa yg org ckp ko simpan la masuk telinga kiri simpan dlm otak ha ha tapi ko tak terfikir ke kalau ko masuk hospital ko jadi lagi teruk agaknya

sumi said...
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Rozarh Asyikin said...

hahahahaha,,,macam x matured,,,rilek la bro,,

Liyana Mazli said...

Semua kerenah pesakit and family ni mmg asam garam doktor.. kalau nak layan semua mmg sakit kepala ni.. tapi kita akan rasa happy sgt bila dlm byk2 patient yg demand ada yg berterima kasih dgn kita..
Good luck utk terus habiskan houseman..
Byk bersabar.. be happy.. and keep on moving. -dr liyana-

Kak Dai Shaklee Sabah said...

Hehehe dik..pengalaman jadi penghuni ward selama lebih 2bulan akak boleh relate why you are writing this. and mmg HO teramat kesian terkejar2 nak setel ramai pesakit. Datang sikit punya main hensem abis shif tak nak cakap da cemane rupa.
But still dik,profession dr itu meletakkan adik dlm golongan yg baik2 sebab membantu org2 yang lemah.

Congrates dan keep doing what u do.

Unknown said...

Well said. Kalau awak kerja sbg front liner medical service kat klinik kesihatan mesti lagi byk nk cerita..

Unknown said...

Well said. Kalau awak kerja sbg front liner medical service kat klinik kesihatan mesti lagi byk nk cerita..

Unknown said...

Well said. Kalau awak kerja sbg front liner medical service kat klinik kesihatan mesti lagi byk nk cerita..

mrs said...

Banyak bersabar ye merupakan penghuni hospital yg agak kerap, sikit sebanyak dah nampak mcm mana busy Dr dgn nurse...insyaallah ada ganjaran nanti

mrs said...

Banyak bersabar ye merupakan penghuni hospital yg agak kerap, sikit sebanyak dah nampak mcm mana busy Dr dgn nurse...insyaallah ada ganjaran nanti

shaz_squall said...

HAHAHAH i feel u...i what i felt during my 2 years of HO heheheh

Anna Mohamed Amin said...

Nice entry!
That saline solution is actually "magic water" to patients.. ;P

Je M'appelle Khairul Anuar said...

Nice one doc. Hope that this would reach those ignorant bastards. LOL~

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Mardhiah.ain said...

Hahaha funny as always, hang in there!

Unknown said...

Cam comel je can comel je hehe...

Anonymous said...

agree nga dr zara.mmg dh lumrah kerja doc utk deal nga manusia mcm2 perangai so have to face it la in profesional way.i'm a houseman too & gonna finish my 2yrs training soon.actually for all the points yg dikeluh kesahkn tu ada solutions dia.cth psl ambik blood byk kali,of course sapa xcomplain kalo dok cucuk byk2 kali.sakit kot.but do EXPLAIN to the pts it 3/4pg pn just explain briefly why&what is the blood taking for.most of the time it WORKS! and when they ask for help for simple things like ivdrip dh hbs,kipas laju etc. and u're super bz just simply say sory but could u please ask for the staffnurse help?kalo mampu tlg la because actually simple2 thing mcm ni kte tlg dorg lg appreciate. i admit being a ho is the hardest part in medical field but as time goes by i found that for every difficulty there's always thousands of solutions to it.ingtlah TIDAK LAH ALLAH MENJADIKN TIAP2 SESUATU ITU DGN SIA2.mesti ada hikmah.afterall our profession is all about professionalisme so kena be professional la..selamat menjalani ibadah fardhu kifayah.mga Allah permudhkn segala urusan ho2 di seluruh malaysia.. :)

Dima Marlina said...

Hello fellow houseman. I gather you are still in your first posting? Adjustment is tough; and this will happen every time you enter a different team, a different ward, a different department, and later a different hospital. I'm a 2nd year houseman, so let me just share some experiences:
1) i still find dealing with patients/relatives quite challenging. And if i'm honest, the more difficult times are when i'm not completely sure about the task i'm ordered to carry out (e.g why am i taking this blood?). I clarify with my MO; and if i'm still not confident, i ask the specialist directly...and for all you know, the daily bloods can be cut to EOD or biweekly. Save my job, save the poking, save the vein, save the patient.
2) because i am female, to this day i have patients/relatives calling me nurse/misi despite the fact i wear the white coat, carry the stethoscope, take the bloods and review the patient every day. i have had to check vitals signs, do blood sugars, urine dipsticks, give PCM and yes, hook up IV drips myself. Bottomline: be humble. If nurses can help you take blood and set branulas, you can help them out too.
3) being in charge of 12-20 patients as a 1st poster is quite daunting, but that does not equal 'not enough houseman'. during my worst stretch (so happens to be in medical), i was the only houseman in a full high-turnover ward of 40 patients plus 10 or so peripherals; i had to do 15-20 discharges per day.....for weeks! And in my hospital, we either work 12+H(normal day) or 24+H(oncall)....which is nothing compared to the old days. And when we go oncall, we cover 4 wards.
4) a hospital admission is a traumatic event. for the patient and family. the concept of "stable, no active complaints" only exists in medical case notes. there is a difference between doing your job and treating a patient; and we all learn at a different pace....its a matter of perspective, and i'm still trying to get there
5) i agree completely that some are just plain unreasonable and irresponsible (defaulters, noncompliance, expecting miracles).....we all have to learn n deal with that....worse comes to worse, get a colleague to help diffuse a tense situation. call the ward sister, and security if needed.

I hope you dont take offence in whatever i've said. I'm by no means perfect; just offering a different view of things.
All the best!

yahhhhaha said...

He mention about his condition of 'separa waras' at the title of his post which means that he's mentally unstable in a way(due to all of those hardships of being a HO probably). So based on that, I basically understand that things have been hard for him so he wants to rant a bit.

maybe hatim should tone down a bit but as to ask him to resign etc is a bit too much I think. after all, its his blogs so it's up to him to express himself.

anyways, keep calm and stay patience Dr H :)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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HajarAS said...

Dr. Zara,
ur comment is way above the top. This guy wrote in zest based on his experience (albeit a short one). Pls read his other entries to be able to put things into perspective. we all need a bit of humour to keep sane and this guy has plenty of it.

aliss said...
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aliss said...

As orang kampung yang selalu kena masuk hospital dan jaga orang di hospital.. ini pulak pandangan aku pada para sesetengah houseman yg aku panggil doktor...

(dan orang kampung macam aku ni mana tahu ko houseman ke doktor ke pembantu makmal.. semua yg berjubah putih tu pada aku semuanya doktor.)

1. kalau aku mampu dan berduit.. mmg aku akan masuk SJMC atau KPJ, atau mana2 hospital yang bila aku picit loceng, berlari2 cik misi datang dan tanya.. "ada apa2 yang boleh saya tolong puan?".

2. Bagi houseman yang ambil darah.. kalau sekali ambik terus dapat tak apa.. ini sekali ambik darah nak kena cucuk 2/3 kali baru dapat. Siap ada main rayau2 jarum dalam lengan.. ingat apa? tak sakit ke? pastu nak espek kami akan senyum lebar dan ya amat suka tengok muka houseman yang sama akan ambil darah lagi dan lagi dan lagi.. Yang cucuk utk IV drip pun sama.. belajar tinggi2 jadi doktor. cucuk tu pun gagal.. Lainlah kami yang mmg belajar cuma ala2 ni.. Bila pesakit cakap sakit.. nak tarik2 muka plak.

3. Aku sedar diri tak duduk pullman atau hilton. Aku duduk hopital kerajaan. Tapi kalau cadar dari pagi sampai petang tak bertukar siap ada tompok2 darah dan misi still tak tukar walaupun dah diberitahu.. haruslah aku adu pada doktor yang ada lalu lalang kan.. takkan nak adu pada tuan pengarah hospital plak..

4. Bila bekerja dengan orang, orang sakit plak tu.. paham paham je la.. Bukan bekerja dengan nak patung kan.. Atau dulu waktu pilih profession doktor ni.. ko expect gaji juta2, kerja glamor, awek ramai, di keliling nurse cun2 sahajakah????

Tulang said...

Read it with full sense of humor.
You just said it out loud, most doctors will keep it to themselves (including me). Di mana saja akan ada manusia yang akan komplen....even if you're dealing with the dead.

A. Y. said...

Boleh nampak la jugak jurang generasi tu, eheh.

In the meantime, keep trying to achieve your sanity! We'll get to nirvana, better sooner than later hopefully XD

JO said...

Hi, i read the post before and i would just like to say, it is his own opinion as a houseman , doctor whatever so let him be.
and yes there is the professional etiquette to follow but c'mon lah , teachers post pictures of their students stupid essays on fb and we laugh like crazy at it. so ? ni sama je.
bla bla it is a personal blog. times have change.

and do keep writing hatim ! (Y)

nurulhafidzah said...
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A said...

keep writing Dr Hatim.that's your experiences and opinions.

Cik Azz said...

Takpe Tim.. Ko luahkan je apa yang ko rasa kat blog ko ni... Akak dah biasa dengan cara ko.. Faham apa yang cuba ko sampaikan..

Soba yoo laa.. Kita jangan mudah sentap.. :D

Hanis Abd Razak said...

Hahaha.. funny dr zara.. i guess ur guts to put and write the comments just made it funnier. like putting all big words in the wrong context to make it sounds clever. this blog have been here since years ago and most of the readers are laymen.. the post he wrotes is really clear to the audience and not representing the medical industry. your comments just made us realized how our doctors in malaysia are lack of sense of humour. and you dont need pscychiatrist for that, just need a time to chill out.. please read other entries too before jumping too soon to the conclusions. ur serious comments really doesnt work in this sarcastic blog. heh.

eiman's mummy said...

chaiyok chaiyok!!!
sokong hatim..baca blog ni blh gelak sorang2 tau......blh la buat hilang mengantuk kalau kat ofis..

Unknown said...

Just finish khatam all your entries. Best! Baru tahu, rupa-rupanya doctor pun ada yang kelakar ye? Btw doctor, jangan hilang your sense of humor. Suram hidup takde benda ni.

pintu hatiku said...

Sapa x keja dlm bidang medical senang la ckp. Kalau rasa x mampu nak pergi swasta, jd jgn nak demand macam2 kat hospital kerajaan. Kbanyakkan patients skrg memang x reti nak hormat nurse dan doktor.kalau rasa menyampah masuk hospital, lain kali rawat diri sendiri kat rumah
.igt senang ka nak set branula even doktor atau nurse dah blajar bertahun tahun.??? Klau kau main bowling pun x sentiasa menang kan..inikan pula nak deals dgn urat dlm badan yg bersimpang siur tu. Nak layanan swasta tp bayar 80 ringgit ja bill hospital.common la...hormat keja org bila anda jd pesakit dan jgn lah cerewet lebih mengalahkan mcm ada title Tan Sri.just my 2 cents. Sy sbg nurse mmg tabik sapa yg kerja Dr.anda mmg kuat mental dan fizikal

myslot said...

คุณก็อาจเป็นเศรษฐีคนใหม่ได้กับสล็อต slotxo เกมสล็อต xo ที่ใครๆก็เล่นได้

superslot said...

Hatim harap bersabar. Manusia yg tak reti kerja doktor memang mcm tuh. Dramatik superslot