The weather for this past few days has been pretty sucky. Dekat Penang ni petang kompem hujan jadi macamana nak beriadah secara sihat di waktu petang? Takkan nak poco-poco dalam bilik.
Justeru weekend adalah waktu terbaik untuk mengqada' pengumpulan lemak sepanjang minggu. Kira one shot extreme lemaks burning session. Me and 3 other friends went for our second jungle trekking at the national park here.
This time around kita tukar route,ambik yang paling jauh sebab konon dah pergi sekali perasan macam seasoned pro trekker ke hapetah. Destinasi pilihan: Muka Head Lighthouse. Trek adalah melalui area monkey beach.
It took us sejam lebih sahaja to reach Monkey Beach. The trail this time was not as challenging as last time. Kurang sikit panjat memanjat.
Monkey Beach

Honestly,i didnt see any monkeys there (other than those 3 monkeys that i went trekking with tehee).
Disebabkan trail yang tak mencabar,bila sampai Monkey Beach haruslah timbul perasaan riak. Dalam hati kecil terdetik 'is that it?' lalu menggesa rakan-rakan untuk teruskan perjalanan ke arah rumah api yang berada nun di puncak bukit.
Sebelum naik bukit(perasaan riak masih menebal di jiwa)

Di kaki bukit ada batu penanda ini;

1000+ metres only? Mmeh i can sleep-walk up there
I forgot the golden rule. Whenever you are going uphill, times the actual distance with 3 billion. Inilah hasil dia;
Gambar semasa mendaki (perasaan riak bertukar sesalan)

This picture was snapped approximately 5 MINUTES after going uphill. I was panting like a raging bulldog on heat. Sebotol 100plus habis di sini. After what felt like 349 years of hiking, we arrived at the lighthouse in one piece.

There's this guestbook that you get to sign when you arrive. Signifying that you are one of the idiots who decided to torture yourself and made it to the top.

We went up the spiral staircases to this breathtaking view of the sea (and a little bit of Penang island)

-worth every sweat,tears and curse words
We spent some times up there camwhoring and eating sandwich sambil memikirkan nasib macamana nak turun bukit satgi ni weh..

-bukan ekspresi menikmati udara nyaman.Itu muka nak pengsan

-tuna sandwich sedap!
After considering few options like calling helikopter RELA untuk membawa kami turun (which doesnt seem feasible at that moment), kami akur lalu meneruskan perjalanan turun bukit.
This whole hiking experience is exactly like medschool. At first you thought you sure can make it to the top, then tengah-tengah you feel like quitting but you are already halfway through. When you finally on top you have to worry about going downhill pulak. Its an endless pressure i tell you.
Then we're back at Monkey Beach. Mandi-manda sikit sebelum balik.

Balik adalah dengan menaiki bot sebab dah separuh mampus naik bukit tak larat nak trekking lagi sejam lebih.

It was a smart decision sebab on the way balik tu baru perasan awan gelap menyelubungi kawasan national park. Cuba bayangkan tengah trekking tiba-tiba hujan? Fuuuuuhhhh memang nangis.

After this trip i dont think we will visit taman negara anytime soon. Sebab we've already tried every trail there. Jadi untuk aktiviti outdoor seterusnya mungkin perlu cari tempat yang lebih selesa. Gurney plaza anyone?
begitu tabah mengharungi sampai ke atas! terbaik~ kalau i, mungkin mse turun kene sorang tolong gulingkan smpai ke bawah
:: memang x rjin r nop buat xtvt cmni...sngat kagum...sape2 kwn aku yg nk kurus 2 ley ikut hatim...lau kwn2 aku mmpu...amek je hatim terus jd instructor korg...hahahaha
dekat puncak alam ni pun selalu je hujan..aktiviti haruslah makan dan tidur..belum ade keinsafan nak pergi jungle trekking bagai haha..
menyeksa tapi bila dah sampai atas rasa puas. ^_^
Hiking kat Gurney plaza blh tapi sediakan poket yg tebal dengan kertas2 yg bernilai..hehe
teruskan usaha untuk kurus.....body dah nampak berganda la atim..
terusan usaha anda.. :D
i tau apa perasaan time tgh hiking bile dh smp umh mmg puas ati la kn
dh pndai ckp utara ke?hehe
@adileen:i already considered that option
@princess:sekali seminggu je
@faizah:kan?asal petang sket je hujan.memang nak jogging pun tak semangat
@wan syamzaima:itu lerr.tengok boleh,beli jangan
@belinda:haah,berganda kat perut.
@sweet life:yosh!
@bugs:people cant even distinguish me from native penangites.thats how good my penang accent is
Jom jogging kek stadium Paroi....
Akak kek Nilai ni tak tau apo nak buek, mano nak poie... Sominggu lak tu dok sini... Makin banyak la lomak mondap.. huhuhu...
siapa yang tak pakai seluar duduk atas rumah api tu? adakah itu unsur-unsur anker?
nanti try join tai chi kat bukit dumbar lak...
muka amir gambar last kenapa macam kesian sangat ? :P
ko nye falsafah mmg mengagumkan psl medic school tu. dulu pasal macaroon ke apa tu yg "make macaroon instead". yes u r a modern philosopher trapped in the medic school. ur mom a doctor trapped in a techer s body kan haha.. hebat betul
@cik azz:lepak Giant nilai!lol tu je tempat yang happening
@najiha:memang la bagus.dah nk separuh mampus dah ni ha
@ilya:ofkos la bukan aku haha.itu ada cina mana tah pakai shorts
@harnidah:macam best.tapi tai chi macam slow mo sangat je
@irma:sedih la lepasni tak datang dah
@dali:cita-cita terpendam katanyaaaa
I LOVE THIS POST!!! I feel like I know a lot about you after seeing these pictures!
In a Hindi saying, If people call you stupid, they will say, does not open your mouth and prove it. But several people who make extraordinary efforts to prove that he is stupid.Take a look here How True
seriusss tetiba rasa nak study kat penang!besttt gila banyak tmpt3 best.dgn tmpt makan yg ohsem belaka.nilai takdo heh.nak2 pulak pulau.mmg maap laaa kan.jeles2.
doc mestilah kene FIT!
serius jelez tgk ad klik yg klik!
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