There were times when i used to be able to effortlessly slipped into a pair of skinny jeans. Those days are long gone. Thanks to nasi kandar.
So to make sure that i dont have to donate those skinny jeans to Somalian kids, i've decided to make a proactive move. No more tidur petang after lectures,lets go for a jog! But a wise man once said; the road to ideal BMI is always under construction.
This series of images sums up what happened today.

Gurney Plaza sushi bar.

Proaktif la sangaaatttttt
hangatttt betul lahhh. hahahhaha.
haha patut la marsh balik bawak sushi. fuh nasib baik tak ikot jogging
hmmph. warm warm ciken crap.
i've been your SR for quite some time now. dah khatom dh baca those funnayyyh entries.
love those sarcastic ayat and pictures, ect. one thing i find interesting is that....ekau org nogoghi!! haha den banggo sbb den pun dulu skolah kek somban, duk somban sumo. so yeah, am very2 proud eventho tak kenal pun.
haha keep up the good masterpiece hatim!
note : masterpiece= blog
haha! esok lusa jogging lagi :)
Hangat-hangat chicken dung! Wakakaka :D
lepas ni kena jog dengan guna tangga je dekat hosp hehe
Welkam to the club...
ok la 2,atleast mkn sushi kn haha.kira ok la dr nasi kandar hehe
@lynn:suam-suam je lahhh
@dyla:kau belot jgn banyak cakap.jog sekali setahun
@juno:warm-warm organik chicken dung okeh
@asyikin:tq tq.ehehehe masterpiece? no lah,ini semua bahan bacaan tanpa kualiti
@zizie:sejak dua menjak ni asek hujan je.camane nk istiqamah??
@budak chomot:redho
@faizah:hospital tak memberi motivasi la.asal pegi hospital kompem ngantuk
@cik azz:hoyeah yeahh
@bugs:nasib baik nasi kandar jauh kalau tak....
hatim !!! tahu x, kt yo sushi dublin ni, dh buat buffet.. all u can eat for 20euros.. sadly, eventho im on a very strict diet, i went for the buffet every sunday.. its not as much fun though.. wish ur here to enjoy the buffet with me.. =P
tula sapa suruh tak dtg penang hehe.kat sini marsh jadik sushi buddy aku haha.ada jugak org yg suka sushi yes! kat sini ada jugak buffet,tapi mahal ya rabbi.aisyah balik sini belanja le hehe
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