Friday, May 11, 2012

Rahsia Kegembiraan Hidup Dari Pandangan Remaja Pra Matang

Paris Hilton, who is an expert at maintaining positive public image once said "You should live everyday like it's your birthday". I find this quote fascinating, partially because of the positive philosophy behind it and mostly because i have realized that you dont have to be smart to come up with such an inspiring quote.

Sepanjang 23 tahun menempuhi hidup ini *cakap sambil urut janggut*, i have learned that kebahagiaan hidup adalah ditentukan oleh diri sendiri. The way you carry yourself, and how you handle your emotions memainkan peranan penting dalam mementenkan ketenteraman jiwa. And how exactly do you achieve that kebahagiaan hidup dan ketenteraman jiwa? Here's how (based on the life experience of a 23 year old medical student).

1. Dont take yourself too seriously
Most people who take themselves too seriously are those who we call the no-fun people. Laugh at your flaws once in a while.Macam kalau kita dianugerahkan tubuh badan gemuk, acknowledge it and make fun of ourself before others did. Self deprecation is the best defense mechanism of all time. Not only you'll accept all your flaws and be OK with it, you wont feel offended when someone insults your gemuk-ness. 

Contoh penerimaan positif kegemukan diri;

-gambar sebelum dan selepas. T___T

And if you cant take jokes, dont make one. Ini kutuk orang boleh, bila orang kutuk kau nak emosi. Apahal?

If you are planning to keep certain people in your life for a long run, you better accept them for who they are. If there is one thing i've learned in Psychiatry it is not easy to change people's personality. Some people are born asshole. And there is nothing you can do about it. You can either accept them or just look for another friends. Trust me, i've tried to change an asshole once, and i ended up smelling like shit. 

Or if you have slightly more patience than me, you can only pray to God that they'll change. 

But in the mean time, good luck with your suffering.

When people do things that annoy you, just think of bad things you've done to them. Like let say your roommate loves to sing that annoying Najwa Latip song out loud,in the middle of the night. Instead of shooting her in the face, just think of all the bad things you've done to her. Sebab kita manusia ni salah orang semua nampak je, salah sendiri tu yang susah sikit nak jumpa. Not necessarily kesalahan besar, tapi kesalahan-kesalahan kecil macam kita suka sepahkan bilik sedangkan si peminat Najwa Latip ini lah yang setiap minggu akan spend 2 jam mengemas dan mengemop. Always think of other's good deeds nescaya anda mudah memaafi dan boleh tolerate dengan lebih baik. Besides, life is always about give and take.

-gambar takde kena-mengena dengan point yang diberikan

4. Avoid drama
Some people just love drama. Especially girls. Even small small things also nak blown out of proportion. Selalu sungguh kita dengar ungkapan 'kalau tak puas hati cakap depan-depan la'. And what happen when you say it to their face? They throw a bitch fit. Lebih teruk lagi ada yang asal sentap tulis kat facebook, seakan-akan mahu satu dunia tahu persengketaan peribadi. Bila ditambah dengan komen batu api yang tak tahu cerita asal, menjadi-jadilah drama minggu ini. 

Sometimes these people dont stop at facebook only, siap wujudkan satu blog sebagai medan meluahkan perasaan secara terbuka. Personally, i hate blogs yang every single post asyik lah nak berdrama. Harini tak puas hati dengan A,esok tak puas hati dengan B. Why is your life full of negativity? Is your life THAT unhappy?

So sometimes it is better to keep things to yourself rather than express all your ketidakpuashatian.

 Bila meluahkan itu akan mendatangkan lebih banyak keburukan, maka adalah lebih baik berdiam. Dan jika dengan berdiam jiwa masih rasa tak tenteram, refer point #2 and #3. Menerima dan memaafkan.

5. Shit happens
Yes, it is true. Shit happens and it stinks. But you have the option to flush it down the toilet. When something upsets you, you are entitled to be sad. But grieving period jangan la terlampau over sampai melupakan yang hidup ini sesungguhnya adalah dipenuhi dengan perkara-perkara awesome. Ingatlah yang satu kesedihan diikuti dengan 99 perkara yang membahagiakan. Unless, the movie Nur Kasih is based on your life.

6. Be thankful
Be thankful for what you have, and what you dont have. Once you can accept the fact that you cant have everything in life, you'd be the happiest person on earth. 


Cik Azz said...

Ko kutuk aku boleh.. Aku kutuk ko, tau pulak ko hangin..

Lempang kang baru tau... Macam la ko tu bagus sangat nak kutuk2 orang..

**Okay tak..? Hehehe...

Tapi kan, kadang2 kita buat cerita pasal diri kita ataupun orang2 di sekeliling kita, tapi orang yang lain yang takde kena mengena lak yang dok sibuk terasa dengan entry/status/komen kita... Apa kehey nya yoppp...

The Ohhsem said...

apabila tahap kesabaran sudah semakin berkurang, perkara nombor 3 selalu dipraktikkan

Nursyahida Osman said...

Nice oneeee Hatim! Sebijik macam my situation here now. Except yg berdrama nye senior lelaki yg suka menjadi attention seeker. Yg suka post mencari pasal dekat Fb group pastu nak bagitau satu dunia yg dia tu ada masalah peribadi dengan orang yg tak bersalah! Lepas tu bila settle elok2 and bagitau dia lagi teruk and semua orang nasihat dia, dia yang melenting takmau menerima kesalahan diri!

Yarobiii, sebijik hatim sebijik!

Lega baca entry ni. Macam tau2 je.


[i.l.y.a] said...

one more thing you should be thankful tim. You have an awesome cousin like me. haha

Anash said...

clapp..clapp..clapp...(standing ovation nih!!!)

what? just 23years old can give this kind of advise / observe??? (duduk balik atas kerusi)

geee...where were you 40 years back??? (apa punya soklan..ahahha)

like the way you blend the findings..keep up dik!!

Falahin Farn said...

Nice advices! i know these things but then, it's hard to apply in real life. sometimes, we just forget about it..

that's why i am learning to turn think about 5 sec before doing anything, insya Allah. Good luck!

shida idris said...

well said doc. akan ku pahat kemas dalam hati, minda dan fikiran :)

thE^DuCheSs said...

Just Love this Entry... Just Nice.. :)

Tiara Fazlin said...

woha! hatim dah matang ni ada gaya doctor yg berjaya heh

Izza is my name said...

HAHAHAH.....i love this post.
suka yg no 4. sebab menghadapi situasi drama queen recently. sampaikan tak tau nk buat apa. at last me ignore je. hehehe

syueee said...

this is the best:DD

Shahirah Elaiza said...

Really liked this post. It's funny too! I believe the key to true happiness is acceptance + contentment = redha.

hatim a.r said...

@cik azz:itulah kita kena berhati-hati.status-status menyindir ni boleh affect ramai orang.kdg2 kita tak sedar,mulut kita longkang jugak

@syafiqah:kadang2 we dont have a choice but to forgive and move on. no point harbouring hate

@nursyahida:biar si luncai dengan labu-labunya.

@ilya:congrats graduation hoi hoi lupa pulak this week eh? jom la turun penang makan hard rock hehe.kau belanja la tapi

@anash:this is what happen when you try to get along with diff groups of people haha.kena belajar adapt

@falahin:hard to apply but once you learn to forgive and move on life will be much simpler

@shida:gitewh.ala-ala fadilah kamsah


@tiara:*blows nails*

@izz:kenapa drama terjadi pun kdg2 part of it salah kita jugak.kalau dh komfem kita tak salah,buat bodo je le

@syuee:u r the best

@shahirah:yes redha!hehe. thankful and redha. =)

A.R said...

kalau rumate suke pasang korean show memalam sampai ke subuh lepastu mengilai-ngilai, cemane nak buat tu? haruskah memaafkan atau campak laptop beliau dari tignkat teratas?

LynnAiza said...

ahaa!nice one doc!rasa matang gilaaa entri ni!bravo3! ;)

pss,btw background kali ni em..em.. hahahha

The Ugly Mother said...

blog en dokto yg dah bebunga2

Tiara Fazlin said...

hahah ingat sesat ke mana la background gini gaya..kerut dahi jap..tgk tagline oh its still ur blog :p

syamin ariffin said...

the value of gratitude.well said hatim :)

NaniRostam said...

Hidup harus gembira dan harus cari kegembiran...jumpa kawan yang sungguh annoying...leave it or live with it kalau mahu masa berharga anda terbazir mendampinginya.

tips yang sangat bagus sebagai panduan.


hatim a.r said...

@rerehalim:istighfar banyak banyak.sambil rendam laptop beliau di kolah terdekat

@lynn,the ugly mother,tiara:tak tau nak letak background apedah.bajet nak yg konsep kekeluargaan dengan sedikit perasaan jambu


@nanirostam:leave it or live with it.i like!memang buang masa pun nak ubah personaliti orang.dah besar panjang,pandai pikir sendiri.kalau nak berubah,diri sendiri kena ada usaha.takpayah nak harap orang lain tolong ubahkan.memang tak dapek la tu

Anonymous said...

whoaa...nice one. setepek kena dekat muka i yg sgt bagus

naz_lina said...

well written post :) i like your 6th point - Be thankful. manusia ni sll dpt mcm2 tp sll gk lupa nk bsyukur. we tend 2worry too much abt what we don't hv, when we shld cherish those that we hv...

Anonymous said...
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mvp_dina13 said...


terima kasih hatim.
terdidik skit.