.fuh berdebar
.ok tarik nafas...
pengakuannya ialah:
terus terang cakap i tak berapa minat cerita ni.
ada beberapa reason i rasa cerita twilight ini sebuah filem yg overrated dan tidak sepatutnya diover hype kan. i dah tengok the first movie dkt stagevu.com and it was blehhh with capital B.
i tak faham kenapa setiap lepas 3 perkataan kristen stewart perlu pause sambil beri ekspresi wajah yang jengkel?lepastu tiap scene pun muka macam nak tertidur.weh pompuan ada vampire gaduh ngan werewolf sebab nak menikah dengan kau,boleh tak kau jangan pikir nak tidur je???
lepastu tambah annoying bila semua orang dekat facebook nak jadik vampire.sebelum twilight keluar elok je nama ikut kad pengenalan nurul saodah binti kamarudin,lepas keluar movie tiba-tiba jadi Odah Cullen.letihlah vampire muka jawa...
tak salah untuk minat movie ke apa tapi diharap boleh chill sikit.bawak2 bertenang,kawal nafsu. twilight bukan awesome mana pun sampai nak bergaduh dekat wallpost berebut serigala jadian bawah umur. tu belum kira vampire badan berkilau lagi.dah macam baju Ramlah Ram waktu Juara Lagu 1988 time nyanyi Kau Kunci Cintaku Dalam Hatimu.

mesti ada fanatik twilight yang bengang membaca post ini.tetapi dalam hati kecil anda tak boleh nafikan jikalau tak sebab pelakon-pelakon yang rupawan ; TWILIGHT SUCKSSSSS
sekian terimakasih.now send me those hateful comments hahaha
tak best jgn tgk weih....
dun worry hatim~ for the first time i agree with u on sumtin.. Ps: siap mati kne bunuh dgn ayu la hatim oiiii!!!die fan weyh!
@tengku:thanks for the reminder!i probably gona watch it online if ive nothing else to do hah.not gona spend a penny on that craptastic movie!
@nadirah:wah wah u agree with me!the end is near lol.haha jgn btau ayu i kutuk favourite movie dia ;D
eleh ko jeles kan xde fan cantu..(saje je) :p
oh aku pun xbace buku newmoon. aku pun xtgk lagi. hihi~ lepas exam br tgk...itupun klu perasaan excited nk tgk tu ade mcm cte br kua kat cinema..
lawaklah ko ni hatim..
*sinting2 lengan***
ok ayu sabar2..tarik nafas.
This is my personal view, tidak ada kena mengena dgn yg idop ataupon yg dah mampuih.
Let me put this thing straight..
Saya telah membaca novel Twilight tersebut, well BEFORE the movie keluar..(new moon, eclipse n breaking down pon dah bace). So saya xtau pon bagaimanakah rupa para pelakon2 tersebut..but saya mengaku yg bile dah ad actors2 yg super duper HOT,bertambahlah lagi keminatan saya terhadap twilight SAGA ini..
The novels were okay, ad ups n downs, ad yg slow, climax,etc,etc. BUt ble dah kna crammed in juz 2hour movie, of cozla susah nk faham jln cerita, n less bnde2 yg exciting. So i faham jek mereka yg tidak ada perasaan terhadap movie ini. Sorry Hatim, i dont have any intention to declare a WWIII to u..saje nk bg pendapat. itu sahaja. Sekian terima kasih.
*Bella Swan in the novels described as an ordinary, clumsy typical girl, so xyahla nk aspect dy mcm Angelina Jolie ke..potpet2..=P
*Sue sokong saya jugak!!!
@pudingcaramel:aku pun kalau ade prasaan xcited tgk la kalau x tak le..
@ayu:ahah eh ayu macam mana boleh ada kt sini?hahaha
ok lemme get this str8..i havnt read any of the books so ive nothing against the books or the author.the issue here is how crappy the movies are but still ppl are in denial kata the movies were awesome lah apekejadah.
memang la bella clumsy typical and ordinary but if u watch the movie bella is everything but clumsy/ordinary.she looked like an emo retarded girl who dont know how to smile.aku macam nak jerit kt leptop tme tgk aritu,cheer up why so sour hah? ehem mesti nad yg repot btau aku kutuk twilight kan?hahaha
mmg crappy pon movie tuh sebenarnye, Juz ad si Jacob yg panas tulah mneyebabkan da ladies going gaga over it =P ..but da novels wuz awesome!!
haih..malas i nk komen pasal kristen stewart nih..ko ad suggestion ke spe patut ganti dy??
*Nad tidak bersalah disini, first2 nk tunjuk Sue psal ur fashion blog,,pas2 ur new entry br kua =)
akak lagi la ketinggalan.....nak buat pengakuan jugak ni....lantak la org nak kata kolot/kampongan ke haper....
akak tak pnh masok panggung wayang...tgk vcd je la.....tp skang ni nk tgk vcd pun dah malass....haha...
muka jawa yg pasan mcm justin timberlake tu takpe lak ehh....hehe...
@ayu:kalau nak yg ala2 ordinary tapi sweet aku suka kristen bell or diana agron tapi tak tau la seswai ke idak depa blakon twilight.angelina is too old for edward la memang la x seswai
@kakazz:baguihle tak penah gi wayang,jimat!kalau nk lg jimat bli cetak rompak je hehe.
eh justin timberlake mmg jawa lah!akak tak tau ke?
Diana agron?? minah heroes tu eyh?? hmmm..
nih details frm the author's blog:
Stephenie Meyer explains that she "left out a detailed description of Bella in the book so that the reader could more easily step into her shoes, but she explains in her website:
Bella is very fair-skinned, with long, straight, dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. Her face is heart-shaped—a wide forehead with a widow's peak, large, wide-spaced eyes, prominent cheekbones, and then a thin nose and a narrow jaw with a pointed chin. Her lips are a little out of proportion, a bit too full for her jaw line. Her eyebrows are darker than her hair and more straight than they are arched. She's five foot four inches tall, slender but not at all muscular, and weighs about 115 pounds. She has stubby fingernails because she has a nervous habit of biting them"
Both movies are verbally retarded, no offence dear fans, I don't read the books. You watch it on big screen only to see the pretty casts and the abs of wolves. Glittery vampires are such a turn-off. Blergh.
i was suffered trying to stay awake when i watched twilight before... so ape maksudnyer? hahaha
well, ape yg hot sangat pon edward cullen? and vampire vege? hhahahah sayo gile la vampire tuh
@ayu:maybe the books are indeed better thn th movie.shud probably give it a try lpasni.can i pinjam urs after xam?hehe
@amirah:jyeah jyeahhhh ada supporter aku haha.
@dyla:kau wanita pertama yg brani kata edward tak hot.syabas.owh lupa nk tulis vampire vege!apa ni??!!penat bram stoker cipta imej ganas vampire,habis dah tak rock dh pasni
agreed!baru jumpe this blog.act pelik kenapa orang ske twilight.cite vampire yang tbe2 tuka jadik cite superhero the flash bleh lari laju2.
tak paham betul.
wokeh hatim, aku tak larat nak baca komen, tetiba suma panjang2, haha, tpi my personal view, aku tak baca novel and tak tengok citernya, but i noticed loads fanatics yg sanggup defend the story and pengutuk tegar yg sangat2 benci the story, it's either u like it or u super hate it..maka aku tak nak tengok or baca sebab tak koser nak jatuh in those two extremeties.
@ctkay:welcome to this shiteous blog!
@hantumakan:bijak bijak.takpayah baca tak payah tengok,save duit haha.tapi mcm curious jugak apemende yg digembar-gemburkan dgn twilight neh
ahahaha. ko ni mmg lawak la hatim..
btw, aku da tgk da new moon.
OK la..sweet ending..
tp ape pun aku agree ngan kau part yg expression muke kristen tu.
aku pun tak suke ni wat muke ketat je..nak senyum pun susah.
at least senyum la ikhlas sket..kan kan? :P
its true dowh, either u like it or super hate it.
bt when ur reading da novels ur mind its not confined cz u can imagine whtever u like..dats xplain y i xde perasaan pon kt si Edward cz hes too cheesy, 4 me lah. bt i fall 4 his DAD instead,Dr.Carlisle Cullen~~*
boleh Hatim, bt i dont hv da 1st one, cz my kazen pnjam,ad kt msia. bt if u da tgk twilight n new moon, bleh je try bce eclipse. gv it a shot n tell me what u think kay??
*okess..i think dis is my last comment, saya perlu blaja MED skrg!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaargggggggghhhhhhhh =S
doakan aku x mati kekeringan neurotransmitter tau hatim..adesss
JZKK sume org =P
firstly, adoi baru perasan comment box kamu punya welcome speech "pecah kaca pecah dara, sudah bace pakat cerca"?! percubaan baik pantun dua kerat.
I pun tak baca buku twilight semua tapi kalau kamu perempuan-perempuan yang terliur dengan jacob atau edward, KAMU ADALAH PEDOPHILE!!!!! phewwww lepas jugak luahan hati aku, budak kecik umur 16 tahun yang berketul enam di badan memang menggiurkan.
@annys:patutnye die ambek heroin lain kan?huhu
@ayu:thanks for ur comments ayu!hehe ok after exam ill giv it a shot.nanti nk gi spain 2 weeks ill borrow ur novel okeh!
@kaykaygirl:sorila i tak berbakat nk pantun,harap terima dgn redha =)
woh ramai kot yg suka diorang tu bahaya stetmen pedo tuh hahha
oh sorrylah kepade sape2 yg teroffended. hehe. that is what i told my housemate yang setiap kali nampak either jacob atau edward dekat tv akan shriek macam manusia gila.
i obviously have malignant sense of humour. :D
hmm, aku xnk kome jalan cerita sgt, just aku rasa, die nk bg nmpak gempak, jgn la buat nmpk mcm indie movie..dpt bajet belambak kot
i'm not gonna send u hateful comments since aku pun agree dengan confession ko tu.
Aku bace buku twilight so expectation aku high. Tp, time tgk movie twilight ngantuk..So, ape tandenye tu? hahha
Maka tak eager nak tengok New Moon. Well, maybe nanti dah keluar Astro boleh la tengok kan. Dah namanya Astro suka ulang2 cerita sampai bosan.
Owh, Edward Cullen not my taste sebab aku tak rasa dia hot. n takde spark untuk buat aku tengok lama2 depan tv. Johnny Depp tetap makhluk terseksi. Hahaha. Tapi, taste orang kan lain2.
**wah, panjangnye aku komen. tsk tsk
@ridhu:pastu efek jadi were wolf pown cm x gempak sgt kan?
@nisha:haaa idea bernas!tunggu kuar astro je la haha
wei, x tgk pn x rugi kot. haha..1st day muvi kuar kat klcc aku g tgk. lps 20 minit tertido dah. hehe aku x tgk yg twilight, so yg new moon ni mmg x phm lnsg. pastu blkg seat aku ade bdk2 pempuan gediks yg stiap kali pontianak tu kluar, mst nk jerit2 auww3. bile scene pontianak tuh ngn awek dia, diorg jerit "kiss her kiss her".wtf wei..lg sedap tido~~
(chuck bass lg hensem dr pontianak pucat tuh..kuikuikui)
tak boleh nak hantar hatefull komen..
setiap org ada kesukaan n kebencian n ape2 la msg2..hehehehe
twilight mmg cm bosan sket tp new moon ni cm gempak skittt je..hehehe
sbbnye jacob sgt menonjol..tu je la kan..
oh i taknak jd balqis cullen..
i nak jd balqis black..tp cm tak seronok lak nama tu..tak macho..so tamau..hahaha
cukup sekadar mengagumi biceps jacob black..yummy! hahahaha XD
@jehan manies:hahaha.agak annoying la.zaman tgk wayang kat terminal 1 seremban dulu cmtu gak.asal mcm romance2 sket mulalah oooo aaaaa macam sial
@balqisriza:time i tgk the trailer pown mcm woh ini mcm better sebab ada fighting scene vampire tuh.tp my frens suma kata tak best.so tak jadik la nk tgk haha.jacob black underage masih underage lagi.i guess u just hav to wait hahaha
ne bukan hateful comment yerp...
bab i pon tak ske gak citer neh...
kat sni pon...
diorg da ter addicted giler ngan edward cullen tu...
kekdg pk...
best ke couple ngan vampire?
maybe boley dapat date kat ats pokok kot...
bab dlm twilight de part tuh...
tak best kawen ngan vampire.nanti tak dpt bawak anak berkelah tepi laut sebab panas,lepastu bila kita tua vampire tu tetap awet muda mesti jiran2 fitnah kata pakai susuk
betol tu...
so kepade sesaper yang taksub sangat ngan vampire tu...
bawak2 betaobat la...
well jalan cerita dia sebenarnya best-obviously cuz i read the book. the movie pulak for me if tak bc the book and x indulge the story, mmg akan rse bosan apa sume, so i fhm je u rse x best. yg part bella cm retarded tu. hahahaha mmg character dia suppose to be camtu sort of. tp mmg merimaskan gakla. kesimpulannya dila babi ckp vampire vege! hahahaha
hmm mungkinla kot bila baca mcm boleh terima sikit.like harry potter obviously the books are 1000 time better than the movie.tapi kesimpulan tak bley blah hahaha dila mmg anti vampire vege
kesimpulannya.. girls like pale guy
owyeah?kat mana nak bleach kulit hah?hahaha
i disagree! kau tidak faham jiwa kewanitaan odah cullen. :(
aku juga suka edward.
hot melecur i tell u.
i disagree! kau tidak faham jiwa kewanitaan odah cullen. :(
aku juga suka edward.
hot melecur i tell u.
weh pompuan!!!!!!!!!idup lagi kau kan???macam sial aku kontek selagi ada medium sume ko tak reply apahal??
sms layan ok. internet ni aku dah tak minat. :p
sms mahal lah siot!ade yg free taknak pakai ngok betol
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